Welcome – and thank you for signing up to receive your
FREE  “5 Part Psychic Mini Course” and “Prosperity Meditation”.

In order for you to receive your 5 Part Mini Course you will need to confirm your subscription.
Please check your email.

You will receive your first lesson shortly, if you do not see it in your inbox, please check spam mail folder. Please add my email address evolving@psychicnirup.com to your list of approved senders.


I hope you enjoy the “Prosperity Meditation” and “5 Part Psychic Mini Course”

You will receive the course, and as well periodically a newsletter filled with lots of tips and techniques. I look forward to sharing inspiring articles, promotions, and products, to support you on your life’s journey.

  • Learning meditations, and stress reduction techniques.
  • How to create better relationships with other.
  • Finding the right career or relationships for yourself.
  • Spiritual awakening techniques and intuitive development.
  • Meeting Your Spirit Guides
  • Teaching and Healing Products

It is my pleasure and my passion to guide you on your journey in life.

Thanks again for registering. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.

Many Blessings, Nirup


Your Privacy is important to me; therefore, I will not sell, rent, or give your name or address to anyone. Your information is safe with me.


email: evolving@psychicnirup.com

phone: 928-300-8338

website: https://www.psychicnirup.com