Aura and Chakra Reading /Soul Reading

Aura / Chakra Reading
Sessions: by phone, in person
Duration: 45 min. – 1 hour reading

chakraoptAn Aura / Chakra reading involves my looking at your aura and chakra centers , these are energy centers that are aligned down the front and back of the body. I work with the chakras to gain insight(s) regarding your mental, emotional and physical states, in doing so I am able to address your questions or situation on a deeper level. The information and understanding you gain also helps facilitate letting go of blocks (emotional and mental) in those chakras. This helps the energy in the aura/chakras to flow freely, throughout your energy system, creating harmony within.

I felt rejuvenated after having a chakra reading & balancing session with Nirup, a peace and calm inside that I had not experienced for quite some time. I learned a lot about myself through the chakra reading, the balancing with the Aura Soma essences and Tibetan bowls was delightful. Thank you. J. M., Miami Fl


The aura is very much a part of us, and can be seen by the naked eye for those who have the ability or develop the sensitivity. I know this because I can see it. The aura consists of various levels of consciousness. It is a representation of your innate traits and potential. It is composed of layers of energy and within the aura is recorded all our experiences, thoughts and feelings. The aura acts like a mirror that shows our current mental, emotional, physical or spiritual condition, and this is what I am tuning into and reading during an aura/chakra reading. We can even detect illness within the aura before it actually manifests into the physical body.

The aura extends beyond the physical body approximately four inches to four feet. Our aura can expand or contract depending on our conditions and is constantly changing throughout the day, as we go through our moods and experiences. The aura also embodies the accumulation of karma from previous incarnations (past lives) and the karmic lessons that we will endeavor to master during this current lifetime. All these things make up a persons true essence. I am sure you have had the experience of feeling an immediate attraction or an aversion upon first meeting someone.

Upon meeting someone we naturally tune into a persons energy field and get some kind of sense or message and then respond to that person accordingly. We are also picking up on energies from the other side, beyond what we know as this physical realm. The aura can act as a receiver for departed ones, our guides or enlightened beings, sending us impressions or messages to help us in this lifetime. It is possible that a crossed over loved one is attempting to contact us, to pass messages on that they are ok, and to have final completion with when needed.

Subtle Bodies

There are seven bodies within the aura, these relate to particular levels: physical, etheric, astral, mental, spiritual, cosmic and nirvanic. The first three relate to our personality levels and the last four to our spiritual levels. Each of the seven bodies has seven different levels or sub-levels, the vibratory rates of which correspond to the seven main bodies. All levels are interrelated; as what affects one affects the others.

If we have problems in the emotional level in the physical body we will have problems also at the emotional level in the emotional, astral, mental, spirit bodies. It is also true that release or cleansing at one level will facilitate release or cleansing at its corresponding level in the other bodies. The ultimate goal is for all to be cleansed and in harmony, at which point we have our greatest power and sense of well-being.


Chakras are vortices through which energy flows both in and out of the body. They are located on the etheric level, this is also known as the body double, it takes the form exactly as our physical body. The chakras rotate like turning a wheel, when functioning properly.

There are seven main chakras, going down the front and back of the body, penetrating just inside as well. There are other chakras more distant from the body in the aura. These chakras eventually need to be developed, but their development is based on the development of the ones at the etheric level. The energy, which powers these vortices, comes from different sources; one is our evolutionary energy, another being our spiritual force within us. These energies come from inside the body and flow out the chakras.

We can build within us this energy through different techniques. Connecting to the cosmic or heavenly energies around us, bringing this energy into the body creates a strong flow of energy within us bringing peace and harmony.

The chakras also receive energy from other people. It can be we take it into us in a gentle and imperceptible or very aware way of pulling it from another, or having a person send it into us in a healing way massage. Techniques like Reiki, Tai Chi, Yoga, and Ki Gong also help to build this energy.

There are different energy frequencies, which control or affect our emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual states. When I tune into you during a chakra reading I can see where your chakras are out of balance, where there may be fears or problems, from this life and possibly other past lives, which may also be locked or blocked at particular levels. Our psychological state and belief system has a specific relationship to one or more of our chakras and has a direct influence on the flow of energy in these centers, this can block the free flow of chi (life energy) in our chakra system, subtle bodies and entire energy field, and the physical body causing illness. To clear any of these issues is can be of benefit to have an aura/chakra reading & balancing, past life regression or a creative therapy session.

When the chakras are open and the energy is flowing freely, you feel infused with life. You feel empowered, loved and nurtured inside and have the energy to accomplish your goals. You will remember that there is divine intelligence and intuition, which helps guide you on your journey, and you will feel your connection to spirit.

Chakra System


Name Location Color Function
1st Root coccyx Red survival, grounding, sexuality, material world concerns
2nd Navel navel 2 below Orange sensuality, life / death, emotional body, inner child, creativity
3rd Solar Plexus solar plexus Yellow power, strength, open to change & growth, right desire, manifesting
4th Heart heart Green forgiveness, generosity, self love unconditional love, compassion
5th Throat center of
Blue communication, will
6th Third Eye between eyebrows Indigo truth, vision, clarity, clear seeing
7th Crown top of head White wisdom, cosmic consciousness, self-knowledge, connection to the divine

Use our Contact page or Call direct to schedule: 928-300-8338