Personal Development and Intuitive
Psychic Training Course
Home Study Course or
Online Psychic Development Training
Online Streaming & Digital Download Course – $289.00
Limited Offer for DVD, CD Set and Manual
DVD Set – 7 Disk Training Series $499.00 – NOW $195.00
Call 928-300-8338 for ordering DVD set.
(100 page Training Manual and bonus Study Guide, is included
with each purchase as a DVD set or Digital Download.)
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and sign up as a member for online support.
Awakening the Other You
Discovering, Developing and Using
Your Hidden Inner Resources
Here’s what you get in the ‘hard copy’
6 DVDs/Manual and 1 Audio CD
DVD 1 – Introduction
- Course Outline
- Replacing self-limiting and self-defeating beliefs with intuitive guidance and confidence.
- Reducing doubt, fears and confusion with intuitive awareness and abilities.
- Discovering and connecting to the core of your intuition, which I refer to as Your Inner Knower. This benefits you in making better decisions.
- How to use a Master Inner Knower triggering technique. (My opinion: This alone is worth the price of the ‘Awakening the Other You’ course.)
- Emotions when misguided can hamper or block your success.
- How to learn about and use EFT-Emotional Freedom Technique- to diminish or remove misguided emotional traits. This includes a step-by-step training process.
- How to identify and correct a personal psychological reversal which causes making wrong choices and decisions repeatedly.
DVD 3 – Awakening Intuition
- Awakening Intuition, your inner navigational guide.
- How you create a better reality with your intuition.
- An exercise on discovering you basic style in life.
- Learn about your subtle higher senses – part 1
- The nature of Intuition and Tuning into Intuition.
DVD 4 – Developing your Intuition
- Your subtle higher senses – part 2
- Opening your Clairvoyant & Clairaudient centers.
- How intuitive are you? Find out with this exercise – Intuition test.
- Use the 4 steps to developing your intuition.
- Exercise – Using the tarot
DVD 5 – Psychic Senses / Spirit Guides / Chakras
- Your psychic energy protection.
- The 5 psychic senses.
- Intuitive and psychic readings.
- Learning about and meeting your spirit guides and angels. (Yes, they exist and can provide real help and guidance.)
- The Chakras. Opening and balancing the chakras.
DVD 6 – Summary
- Review and Summary.
- Meditation techniques
- Interview with Nirup.
Audio CD – Guided Meditations
- Nature and your senses
- Clearing your energy field
- Connecting to your Guides
- Chakra grounding
- Using Chakra sounds
- Watching the breath
Included is the Bonus: Personal Suggested Training Schedule
for Discovering and Developing your Intuition and Higher Sense Abilities.
Note: This material and training comes from Nirup’s 3 day – 5 day workshops that cost between $989.00 and $1,475.00 depending on airfare and lodging expenses.
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For over 22 years I have worked with thousands of clients from all over the world, in person, over the phone and internet. Many people come to me, looking for answers to life’s questions. Every day I am helping those people find the answers they need, as well as teaching them to go inward to connect to their inner voice and inner wisdom.
It is from over 33 years of experience of working with corporations, individuals, giving workshops and trainings, as well as what I have learned, and studied has been distilled down, and now is available through this Awakening The Other You Training.
This home study course is the same intuitive and psychic development 2 ½ day training that I offer in person costing $750.00. I have now created this training on DVD and Digital Download so that many of my clients and those wanting to develop themselves personally and spiritually can do so at home.
Developing our Intuition can help us to make the right decisions in life, most people do not use their intuition and this has caused people to make the wrong decisions in many areas of their life, from buying a home, that was not right for them, to a relationship they should not have gotten into, or know they need to leave a bad one, but do not, to choosing a career that is not best suited for them. Most people are living a life that is not really aligned for them, for their best possible path, they are going down the wrong track, and are not aware of knowing there is a better path, and how to create it, awakening and developing our intuition can lead people to make better choices and decisions in their life.
Each step of the training has been created in a way that builds upon itself, so that with ease, relaxation, and enjoyment everyone is able to connect to and awaken their higher selves, you can awaken and discover these aspects of yourself.
I am excited that I have created this training Awakening The Other You and it is available on DVD and digital download, and I hope that you will take advantage of it. I encourage you to begin now, to create a life of abundance, joy and prosperity.
Nirup is a delightful teacher with many simple, yet profound tools for helping you open to the higher spiritual dimensions and your intuitive self. I especially like her technique for contacting your “Inner Knower.”
Once learned, this method will supercharge your ability to make on the spot decisions about a huge variety of subjects, from your relationship to your career to your spiritual path. Whether you are just beginning your spiritual journey, or have been journeying for a while, Nirup’s offerings will be a powerful addition to your spiritual tool chest. Shaeri Richards, Author of “Dancing with your Dragon: The Art of Loving your Unlovable Self, Sedona AZ
In a couple of words I can say this training is just phenomenal. With each exercise and teaching it took me further and further into knowing who I am spiritually and developing my intuition, my higher sense perception, I did not know this was possible for me. P Schlitt, Sedona AZ
Read more on the website
Many Blessings Nirup