Sessions: by phone, in person
Duration: 45 min. – 1 1/2 hour reading

Getting to the Root

intuitiveOptMost intuitive and spiritual counseling sessions deal with symptoms and do not get to the root of the problem. Combining my counseling skills and energy release techniques with my intuitive abilities allows me to get to the core of a problem and remove it. This is done by working with the technique Creative Therapy; it works with reprogramming the subconscious and changing cellular memory patterns.
I believe this to be one of the most effective counseling techniques available.

Spiritual counseling deals with deepening your connection with God/Source/Spirit and working with you at your Soul level, asking the questions and exploring why did you come here? What are your lessons, challenges? What is your purpose? How to get in touch with you at your center the Source of who you are, bridging the outer with the inner.

In the session I help you to become aware of the blocks that create the barriers from you being with your Source center. I provide you with your own personal techniques to help you get back to your Source creative self, so  you can live your life in a balanced, peaceful, and whole way.

Spiritual Guidance and Healing on:

  • Relationships/Love
  • Depression
  • Feeling stuck
  • Not living the life you want
  • Personal Empowerment
  • Spiritual Path Development

Creative Therapy

Creative Therapy, founded by Helene Rothschild, can be used to manifest your dreams and desires and clear away the blocks that prevent it from happening.

The essence of Creative Therapy is helping the client (you) to become aware of and overcome your fears in the subconscious so that you can be more loving in your conscious state in your actions and relationships, feel centered, peaceful, healthy, and create a successful life for yourself.

The process takes you into your higher consciousness to receive guidance and support and strengthen your self-esteem. Then you are guided into the subconscious to reprogram the decisions and beliefs you made back in your childhood, usually these were made before the age of ten, and yet we still carry these beliefs in our current day to day lives. What is happening on the conscious level are the symptoms of the fears (causes), which are found in the subconscious. They can manifest in anxieties, relationship or career problems, feelings of unworthiness or not fitting in, confusion, feeling stuck, low self esteem, no will power, lack of trust or feeling safe, depression, lack of energy, or not living up to your full potential.

The Creative Therapy process is completely safe and yet a very effective way of eliminating negative energies, blocks and self-defeating behaviors. This allows you to live the life you want, supported with all your energies to fulfill your dreams and aspirations.

The Creative Therapy Process

  1. Get in touch with a belief.
  2. Regress back to the original time the decision was made.
  3. Release all unfinished business and blocked feelings.
  4. Burn away old scene.
  5. Create a new experience so that a new decision can be made.
  6. Make a new positive decision or affirmation.
  7. Visualize the present and future acting out the new decision.
  8. Reinforce the affirmation, the new positive thought.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)

  • EFT brings emotional, mental, spiritual and physical relief.
  • EFT is an emotional therapy process, also known as emotional acupuncture. EFT often does the job for you cleanly and thoroughly in one or two sessions.
  • EFT can be used to release old patterns, beliefs, anxiety, depression, addictions, fears and help to support in healing your physical body. View EFT Video [intlink id=”179″ type=”post”]here[/intlink]
Love is the universal antidote for the poison of fear. – Helene Rothschild

As a guide I can show you how to go from where you are to where you wish to be. A positive and rewarding life only needs the proper direction, which is within you.

Through a Creative Therapy counseling session with Nirup I saw into aspects of my heart that I had been in denial over for several years. She helped me to release these negative feelings and embrace hope and security, she helped me to open my heart and mind to new possibilities. I feel more at peace than I have for a long time. Thank you. K.B., Scottsdale AZ

Before I came to see Nirup I was having pain in my throat and neck, which I had been having for years. I had tried many things but could not get relief from it. During my intuitive counseling session Nirup helped me to see and release the emotions and mental thoughts that were at the root of causing the pain. When we were complete with the session the pain in my throat was gone. I could not believe it, but it was true. I am so grateful to Nirup for her skills and loving way in which she works.  M. J., Kingston, NC

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