ESP – Psychic Bill of Right

1. One has the right to discover and freely use their psychic intuitive abilities.

2. One has the right to use their psychic-intuitive (ESP) sense along with their right of free speechand the use of a free press. (In other words, it is okay to talk and write about one’s psychic-intuitive experiences.)

3. One can use their ESP-Psychic center to avoid the pitfalls of life.

4. One has the right to use one’s ESP-Psychic ability to acquire material necessities and to gain abundance.

5. One may use their ESP-Psychic talents to contact those loved ones who have crossed over.

6. One has the right to use their ESP-Psychic center to foretell the best life path to follow.

7. One may use their ESP-Psychic abilities to be highly creative.

8. One may use their ESP-Psychic center to protect themselves from undue personal problems by
knowing who and who not they should be with.

9. One may know their highest and best use in their career with their ESP-Psychic sense.

10. One has a right to use their ESP-Psychic gifts to discover and awaken their spiritual nature.

Copyright ©2005 by Accurate Psychic Readings by Nirup
All rights reserved