Keys for Getting the Best Psychic Reading

Knowing what you want to ask.

A psychic reading which has a specific focus will usually be more satisfactory than a “general” reading which has no real focus. Knowing what questions you want to ask before the psychic starts the reading, will make the best use of your time. Many people come in and say “tell me my future”, not knowing that the psychic is not reading the mind of the client, knowing what questions they really want answered. Again the psychic receives information in bits and pieces, and the issue or question the client has on their mind may come through or it may not. Your life is very vast, and Existence/Higher Source, is there wanting to support us in our life, and if we have an intent, then the information coming through can be focused. Some of the areas you might ask questions in: relationships, family, career, studies, health, life’s purpose, spiritual path, loved ones here, and passed over into the spirit world.

Creating the right atmosphere.

It’s best if you feel you are in a safe place, relaxed, comfortable and open-minded. Why?, because tension creates a barrier, also if you are overly skeptical or very upset about something, it is as if your doors are closed, and no psychic intuitive counselor can easily get through that barrier. It is important that you are willing to give me your permission to “psychically look” into your condition and relative issue.

We provide an audio tape of each psychic phone session, or a transcript of your online chat session so you can relax throughout, and not be concerned with remembering each point. Then you can review the psychic reading at your convenience.

Being willing to participate.

A good psychic reading is a two way street interaction. The more aware you are of your issues and corresponding questions, the more effective the reading will be. Don’t try to block your psychic or try to find out how good he or she is by holding back information to test the psychic or giving them false information, to see if they will pick up on it or not; this is a waste of time and energy. It’s not that hard to block someone. You will shut out even the most talented psychic with this type of behavior. Listen to what the psychic has to say. The more open you are, the easier you will be to read and the deeper the information you can get. And that’s the point, isn’t it?

Having realistic expectations.

The way life really works is the same way a psychic reading works. It comes in “bits and pieces”. That is to say, we receive life’s information in fragments and then we must figure out how best to use the information. We cannot see our life from start to finish. The best we can do is be present to what is in our life in the moment and act accordingly. Psychic secret; psychic information comes in flashes, bits & pieces, and slices. No psychic can see all aspects of your life, make your problems disappear, or provide for your dreams to come true! But, we do promise a few valuable insights, some clarity which can give you the opportunity for making better decisions for your best and highest good. Remember, your life is the product of your free will and the decisions you have made; so is the rest of your life and a psychic reading can help with those future decisions. Ultimately it is up to you to sort through the information that has been provided and to make you own decisions how to best use it in your life. A psychic reading is only a guide to show you possible paths that you can take that would benefit your life, but the responsibility falls on you to make those choices or not.

Ask for clarification when needed.

If you don’t understand something that has been said, please ask for clarification. Non-understandings and misunderstandings are easy and can be common in psychic readings. We all have different backgrounds and therefore can have different frames of reference for words or phrases. So if something is not understood, please ask.

Being on time for your appointment.

There are other clients scheduled around your appointment. Please call if you need to reschedule your appointment.

What Are Psychic Readings Good For?

* A psychic reading can help put things into perspective and bring clarity with decision making, bringing peace of mind

* A psychic reading can help you to discover your core passions and creativity.

* A psychic reading can get you in touch with past lives, that you have lived before and your relationships to others in past lives. (this is also known as reincarnation).

* A psychic reading can be used when you need affirmation or confirmation on something you are experiencing.

* A psychic reading can help you to discover blocks in your life that are preventing you from being inwardly and outwardly successful.

* A psychic reading can help you with a career change, as well as what type of work is best suited for you.

* A psychic reading can connect you with those you love, who have crossed over into the spirit world.

* During a psychic reading you can ask questions in the areas of; career, work, love, relationships, family, health, money, life’s purpose or spiritual path.

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