Horoscope – Astrology Reports and Charts

Summer Special 2018  – 50% Discount Offer on Forecast Reports

Astrology Romance package – $56.95
Personal Natal Report & Chart – $24.95
Cosmo Natal Report & Chart – $9.95
Cosmo Compatibility Report & Chart – $9.95
Compat. Romance Report & Chart – $24.95
Compat. Friend/Co-worker Report – $24.95
Past Life Report & Chart – $12.95
Karmic Insight Report & Chart – $12.95
Cosmo Forecast Report & Chart – $14.95
Lovers Forecast Report & Chart – $34.95 – $64.95
Starlight Forecast Report & Chart – $24.95 – $54.95
Relocation Report & Chart – $12.95

How Astrology can help us!

Astrology can be used on many levels and in many areas of life. Astrology can be used to help us create our life’s path; to know what career, profession, training, fits us best. Having a Personal Natal Birth report helps us to understand who we are on a personal/spiritual level. Adding a Karmic Past Life report and a Karmic Insight report can help us gain understanding of who we are on deeper levels of our soul, where we have come from, and some of the challenges and lessons we are here to learn on this earth plane. A Compatibility report helps us understand those around us in relationship, friendship and work; helping us to have harmonious loving relationships. An Astrocartography report or Treasure Map can show us which places in the world would be most harmonious to live and succeed in.

Starlight Solutions Forecast report versus a Horoscope report: Astrology can be used in forecasting the days events, we have all read our horoscopes from time to time, looking for guidance into our daily activities, work situations, relationships with family, co workers and loved ones. These horoscope predictions are usually free and are general in nature.Having a personalized Starlight Solutions Forecast report specifically created for you with your birth date, time, and place, can give you much more detailed information for up and coming energies and situations affecting you that can influence your life, this type of detailed report also give you ways in which to support the energies surrounding the situations.


Tamara or Nirup will complete your detailed personal birth chart and report for you within 48 hrs. Below are the various reports and charts you can purchase, you will be able to view a sample report for each report listed. There is no refund for reports and charts purchased once they have been produced and sent to you by email, so please be clear in your decision of the reports that you want. Please call if you need support in deciding the type of report that is best for you.




Having a Past Life and Karmic astrology report addresses spiritual questions dealing with the meaning of an individual’s life, as well as the possibility of understanding past life influences and how they affect our life today. As a psychic, I do a number of Past Life readings and Past Life Regressions, helping those to understand and bring together the influences of past life into this life. It is not necessary to believe in past lives to explore spirituality with astrology. Spirituality is of the soul level, and who we are as a soul belongs to the universe, the planets, and the stars. Astrology reminds us of this connection and the idea that our lives are not accidents, but meaningful events in the fabric of time and space.

Astrology Romance Package – $56.95

Receive a Romance Compatibility report, Compatibility Scores report, Romance 3 month Forecast report, Astrobeauty natal charts for two people. See below for individual samples. For the astrobeauty natal charts please add the code letters below the chart selected for each person, please be sure to specify the person with the right code. You will receive this form once you have made your payment.

Astrobeauty Natal Charts – Sizes are 9.5″ x 12.7″ $4.95

Beautifully designed Personal Natal Charts.  Choose from a variety of colors and and designs.

Personal Natal & Chart – $24.95

This is like a fingerprint…that it is unique just to you. It is a symbolic road map describing your current life. A birth chart is more accurate than a horoscope, just your sun sign. You will find that this interpretation of your chart is written in simple language. Your mental and emotional nature, and areas in which you tend to excel or have difficulties are described. This report reads smoothly, with few contradictions and many insights into fine nuances of your character. 16-20 pages in length.

Cosmo Natal & Chart $9.95

It is a very short natal report that interprets the planets in zodiac signs and in aspect to each other. The planet in houses are NOT interpreted. Although short, the report is very well written; the same text that is used in the very popular Merlin Report, which is far more extensive and thorough than the Cosmo Natal Report, 3-5 pages in length.

Compatibility Reports & Charts – Includes Compatibility Scores

A birth Chat – for two people and key points are compared. How do you and your lover get along? Are you compatible? How do you and your co-workers get along? How do you and your boss get along? Find out with this; lovers, friends, co workers compatibility report. Compatibility Scores-How compatible are you, eight different categories help to know. The Compatibility Report discovers the most significant issues of the relationship and emphasizes these issues by placing them at the beginning of the report in a separate chapter. Very readable and offers insights on how to handle problem areas and better appreciate each other.

Romance/Lover Compatibility – $24.95

This report provides a comparison of temperaments and life styles that affect your ability to harmonize with each other, and major themes in the relationship; what brought you together, the destiny and final outcome of your relationship, and other important issues in your relationship. One report per 2 persons, 12-15 pages.

Friends/Co Works Compatibility – $24.95

This report describes a comparison of temperaments and life styles that affect your ability to harmonize with each other, major themes in the relationship, destiny and final outcome of your relationship, and other important issues in your relationship. One report per 2 persons, 12-15 pages.

Cosmo Compatibility (shorter version – 2 persons) $9.95

Although this report is short, it describes some of the major issues and themes of the relationship. This report is written in the same style and contains some of the same information provided in the larger Friendship Compatibility Report. Includes Compatibility Scores.

Past Life Report & Chart  – $12.95

The effect of Past Life Experiences can carry over into your current life, accounting for interests, habits, even phobias that could defy explanation by conventional methods. A Past life chart and report is a blueprint of your previous incarnations. It includes who you could have been in a past life and what you have come here to learn. The effects of past life experiences can carry over into your current life, accounting for interests, habits, even phobias which would defy explanation by conventional methods. This report examines possible past life connections using astrological methods. It is not intended to be taken as a complete interpretation of your birth chart; it looks at your chart from only one perspective, 4-7 pages.

Karmic Insight Report & Chart   $12.95

A Karmic report is a portrait of your soul’s intention for this lifetime, the lessons to be learned, qualities to develop, problems to be resolved, service to be rendered. From that perspective, the choices one makes in one’s daily life have reverberations that may last beyond even this lifetime. This report is written to help you clarify your lessons and goals, illuminate your struggles, and encourage you to move in the direction of your true purposes, 8-11 Pages.

Cosmo Forecast – 3 months  $14.95

This forecast report, like the Starlight Forecast described below, interprets astrological influences in the future. The Cosmo Forecast interprets only short-term influences, those that last just a few days. Although the interpretations are brief, the report is quite easy to read and informative.

Lovers Forecast Report & Composite Chart

Three months – One year  34.95- $64.95

This Lovers /Romance Forecast report, like the Starlight Forecast described below, interprets astrological influences in the future, one day to several days over a period of weeks and months. It gives detailed information for you and your lover together, how you are relating, things to watch out for, and advice on how to best handle the astrological influences.

Starlight Forecast & Chart

Three months – One year  $24.95- $54.95 (20-85 pages) Need Accurate Birth Time

A Forecast report lets you see ahead possibilities on your path. Incredibly detailed and accurate, providing you with a breakdown of daily events along with sage advice so that you can take advantage of opportunities in love, finances, career & more! This report explains not only what will happen, but in almost every interpretation also gives friendly and helpful advice on how to best handle the astrological influences. A practical guide to how to deal with future trends in your life. This report describes future trends, particularly psychological and environmental changes that you are likely to encounter. Each astrological influence lasts from a few days to a few months, so you can see longer term as well as short-term trends in your life.

Relocation Report & Chart $12.95

Need Accurate Birth Time

Moving or thinking of Moving? Or just taking a vacation, consider using a relocation report to guide you decision making. Want to know whether the energies are good for you there. How about where you live now. This report describes the astrological influences that are in effect at a given location. It is very important to have a very accurate birth time when you purchase this report to get a very accurate result. The price above is for 3 cities. We recommend selecting cities that are at least about 100 miles (150 kilometers) apart because that astrological analysis of locations that are very close to each other will be very similar. Locations that are at least several hundred miles apart will usually have some significantly different astrological influences.

Treasure Mapping $149.95

Maps and Reports – Need Accurate Birth Time

A “Treasure Map” is the most efficient way to scan the globe or a continent for the best place to find a new love, job, excitement, or inspiration. It is a completely new way to see your birth chart. The lines of influence for each of the planets is mapped onto the world for the moment of your birth. The result is a detailed picture of places to go to and avoid. It includes five reports and five maps on: Love-Romance, Vocation-Career, Friendship-Family, Education-Communication, Optimism-Opportunity. For your report choose a Country or Continent that you would most want to learn about.

Astrology Complete Package $69.95

10-14 Pages

Cosmo Natal: This is a shorter version of a Natal Report.

Cosmo Forecast – Three months: This forecast report, like the Advanced Forecast described above, interprets astrological influences in the future. The Cosmo Forecast interprets only short-term influences, those that last just a few days. Although the interpretations are brief, the report is quite easy to read and informative.

Karmic Past Life Report:

Need Accurate Birth Time

The effect of Past Life Experiences can carry over into your current life, accounting for interests, habits, even phobias that could defy explanation by conventional methods. A Past life chart and report is a blueprint of your previous incarnations. It includes who you could have been in a past life and what you have come here to learn. The effects of past life experiences can carry over into your current life, accounting for interests, habits, even phobias which would defy explanation by conventional methods. This report examines possible past life connections using astrological methods. It is not intended to be taken as a complete interpretation of your birth chart; it looks at your chart from only one perspective.

Lunar Report: Based on a monthly chart calculated for the time when the moon returns to the exact position it was at the time of birth. The Lunar Return happens every 28 days and 13 times a year. These interpretations provide insights into possible events in a descriptive and comprehensive way while giving suggestions on how to deal with the positive as well as negative planetary aspects. The objective of this report is to offer a practical guide that helps analyze the month’s perspective.

Personality Scores: Twenty five different categories describing your personality traits.

Athena Numerology: Using your name now, find out your Soul/Personality/Destiny/Career/Missing/First Initial/First Vowel numbers.

Major Life Themes:
This report gives a brief interpretation of your birth chart. The major themes in your life are described. The themes are presented approximately in the order in which they are a priority in your life. In other words, the themes which are most important are, in general, described near the beginning of the report, and the less important themes are described towards the end of the report. This report finds major themes in the birth chart and interprets them.